Frequent questions

Below we answer your most frequently asked questions.

If your question is not among them, you can contact us at any time and we will be happy to help you.

What is magnetic tomography?

MRI is a revolutionary imaging test, which allows the doctor to see the organs of the body in great detail, without any surgery and without being exposed to ionizing radiation, as is the case with computed tomography or conventional x-rays. The high quality of the MRI image enables the doctor for a more accurate diagnosis and of course timely and better treatment. This means that he saves the patient time and money and often his own life. Read more …

Why does your doctor have an opinion regarding the center where you will do the examination?

Your doctor wants to have the best images but also the best possible diagnosis by the specialist radiologist. So the center you are in is very important.

Is there any risk from MRI?

The MRI is very safe. There are no known side effects, but it is usually not recommended during pregnancy unless there is a specific medical reason that can not wait until the baby is born. If you are breast-feeding and should be tested with a contrast agent then breast-feeding should be stopped for at least 24 hours after the test.

Can anyone have an MRI?

The following information is important, and will help you determine if you can have an MRI. We will ask you for details on whether:
• You are pregnant
• Have you ever had surgery?
• Have any implants, especially in the eye, ear, brain and heart
• Have a heart valve or pacemaker, joint replacements, or an aneurysm clip.
The above does not necessarily preclude you from having an MRI but are important factors to be aware of.

Why does MRI make so much noise?

Although there are no moving parts in the MRI, the noise is caused by electromagnetic waves which start and stop abruptly. We give you earplugs and some patients may even fall asleep during the examination.

Do you need any preparation for MRI?

Remember Magnets and metal do not mix. This is why before entering the MRI unit the technologist should know if you have a pacemaker, surgical clips, metal implants or any other metal objects in your body. The staff at the clinic will determine if you should or should not proceed with the MRI scan.

All metal materials that could be affected or attracted by the strong magnet used for MRI should be left at home or can be secured in a locker in our center. This list includes watches, coins, keys, credit cards, pocket knives, etc.

I'm claustrophobic

If you know in advance that you are claustrophobic, please discuss this with your doctor. He or she may prescribe medication to help you relax. Follow your doctor’s instructions for when to take the medicine. Even if he is claustrophobic, our technologist will work with you to help you feel comfortable throughout the examination. If the above does not help, anesthesia can be done by the specialist anesthesiologist of the center so that you can sleep throughout the examination. More details can be found in the relevant section of our website.

How long does an exam last?

  • MRI about 15-30 minutes
  • CT scan about 20 minutes
  • Ultrasound about 20 minutes
    But if your doctor asks for more than one abortion then the time is longer.

When is the medical report ready?

Generally, exams are read the same day or the next morning. A preliminary report may be given to your doctor at that time. The official report will be typed and will be ready within two working days. We provide you with a free CD with the exam pictures. In case you want Films we can print you as soon as you request it. CDs are clearly better because the images do not change, while in the Films the images change over time.

MRI is better than other tests;

Often, yes. Magnet images can be generated from many different angles to give a better image of these tissues. MRI can also provide a better level of detail that is often difficult to achieve with X-rays or other imaging systems.
The most important thing is that the patient does not receive any X-rays by doing an MRI scan.

Of course, it always depends on the clinical question asked by your doctor or in simpler words, what exactly your doctor needs to see.

How do I schedule an exam?

If your doctor has recommended an examination to help with the diagnosis, then the doctor or his / her secretary can make an appointment at our center. Of course you can also contact us to schedule an appointment. The telephone number is 24 251000.

How often can I have an MRI?

MRI is a harmless test, without ionizing radiation. You can have the test as often as needed and after first consulting your clinician to determine the test depending on the problem that occurs.

How often can I have a CT scan and x-ray?

This is determined only by your clinician and in the presence of a referral. Depending on the problem it will give you the right tips and what tests to do.

Possibility of pregnancy (for women only) for MRI / CT / X-RAY / MAMMO.

You need to know and tell the technologist if there is a chance, even the slightest, that you are pregnant. In this case you should make sure and consult your doctor, whether it is absolutely necessary to perform the examination. The above concerns tests that use ionizing radiation. In connection with the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) you should have completed the 3rd month of your pregnancy even though the examination is harmless, and in any case you should consult your doctor again.

Should I take any medication / medication or stop taking a pill before or during the test?

It depends on the test you do. If you need to prepare before the exam, the secretary with whom you will make your appointment will tell you.

In connection with a pacemaker, heart / brain valves or any other metal or foreign body you have before you have an MRI scan.

Always before entering the room MRI and when you enter the center the question is asked about foreign objects in the body either by accident or by surgery. In such a case you must have presented to the person in charge of the center / doctor the forms for the conventionality of the metals that have been placed in your body. If the materials are compatible then we proceed with the examination.

What should I do if I need to be given a contrast agent and I have allergies?

If the doctor of our center, in consultation with your clinician, deems it necessary to administer a contrast agent, then they will give you the appropriate instructions so that we can administer the contrast agent without risking your health.


Our center has joined and can carry out exams within the GESS. You can call the phones of our center and talking to the reception and our call center to arrange the appropriate appointment. You can also make an appointment online through our website. It is important to know the identity and date of birth of the person who will be tested to avoid mistakes and inconvenience to you. Finally, it is necessary to have a referral to the GESS system before the appointment is closed.