Doctors Portal

The Doctors Portal is a pioneering service that our center is pleased to offer. Through the portal any doctor can review the examination of any patient he has referred even at the time it is performed.
The operation does not require complex software or installations. All you need is an internet connection and a web browser. It can also work via computer, mobile phone or tablet.
Through the portal, the referring physicians can review the images of the examinations, they can process the images by making any measurements (angles, distances, densities, etc.) as well as to read the report of the radiologist of our center. Finally, he can compare the examination with previous ones (if any) or compare between different modalities (eg MRI with the patient’s CT).
The doctors’ portal is available at the website using a set of credentials which are issued FREE OF CHARGE to the referring physicians upon request. To issue the codes you can contact us at any time and we will send you your credentials you immediately.