Breast Department

What do we offer in the breast department
Our center owns an IMS Giotto Classic 3D, one of the most modern digital mammography / tomosynthesis systems, which performs two-dimensional and / or three-dimensional imaging of the breast. Now, with very low doses of radiation we can offer prevention and diagnosis with the above mentioned imaging techniques.
In addition to the usual mammography in our center we can perform the following :
- Detective / magnifying mammograms for complementary and better visualization of microcalcifications.
- Targeted (second look) breast ultrasounds to detect lesions that are not visible on an initial ultrasound and are then detected on mammography or MRI Breast.
- Mammographic evaluation of the surgical excision.
- FNA of abscesses or cystic formations, in order to drain or cultivate their contents.
- Percutaneous tru-cut biopsy for histological identification of solid lesions with the possibility of simultaneous marking.
- VABB stereotactic biopsy for histological identification of lesions visible only on mammography with the possibility of simultaneous marking.
- Preoperative hook wire localization with mammographic guidance for guidance of surgical removal of calcifications or lesions that are visible only with mammography.
- Preoperative hook wire localization with ultrasound guidance for guidance of surgical removal of non-palpable lesions.
- Marking before neoadjuvant chemotherapy in tumors that benefit from preoperative chemotherapy, either because of their size or because of their immunohistochemical image. This marks the initial position of the tumors for their complete excision at a later stage.