Panoramic – CBCT
Panoramic – CBCT
The term CBCT stands for Cone Beam Computed Tomography and is used to image mainly the jaw and the skull. In this type of CT a cone beam of x-rays is used to produce hundreds of cross sections of the jaw in less than a minute. It is used to provide accurate measurements of the jaw, locate cysts and other lesions in the facial bones as well as many other dental applications.
Our center has a Planmeca ProMax 3D Classic which is capable of three types of 3D imaging as well as panoramic, cephalometric imaging. It is designed to meet any type of maxillofacial imaging need. In addition, with low-dose protocols it allows the performance of Cone Beam CT with radiation doses almost at the same levels as a classic panoramic X-ray. It can scan a wide range of anatomical regions with unparalleled clarity and quality by applying specialized dental and otolaryngology imaging protocols.